基于 Swoole 开发实时在线聊天室(八):Websocket 服务端重构与用户认证
上篇教程学院君给大家演示了基于 Vue + Muse UI 前端登录到聊天室的实现,不过这一块的实现主要是前端与 Swoole HTTP 服务器的交互,未涉及到 WebSocket 连接,今天我们就来演示基于 Websocket 连接的认证实现,在此之前,我们还要费一番功夫重构下目前的 Websocket 后端实现,以便更好的进行后续开发。
Websocket 服务端重构
之前在建立 socket.io 客户端与 Websocket 服务端连接的时候,我们已经预留了 App\Services\WebSocket\WebSocket
类这个伏笔,并且提到后续与 Websocket 通信相关的业务逻辑都迁移到这个类中实现,\App\Services\WebSocket\WebSocketHandler
将只承担入口功能,所以今天的重构将重点围绕这个 WebSocket
在开始编写 WebSocket
类代码之前,我们先解决外围业务逻辑,聊天室一个密不可分的功能模块房间模块,这里我们先参照 swooletw/laravel-swoole 这个扩展包的实现将其房间相关类都迁移过来,保存到 app/Services/WebSocket/Rooms
namespace App\Services\Websocket\Rooms;
interface RoomContract
* Rooms key
* @const string
public const ROOMS_KEY = 'rooms';
* Descriptors key
* @const string
public const DESCRIPTORS_KEY = 'fds';
* Do some init stuffs before workers started.
* @return RoomContract
public function prepare(): RoomContract;
* Add multiple socket fds to a room.
* @param int fd
* @param array|string rooms
public function add(int $fd, $rooms);
* Delete multiple socket fds from a room.
* @param int fd
* @param array|string rooms
public function delete(int $fd, $rooms);
* Get all sockets by a room key.
* @param string room
* @return array
public function getClients(string $room);
* Get all rooms by a fd.
* @param int fd
* @return array
public function getRooms(int $fd);
这里面定义的是房间的接口,默认的两个实现一个是基于 Redis 作为存储媒介的 RedisRoom.php
namespace App\Services\Websocket\Rooms;
use Illuminate\Support\Arr;
use Predis\Client as RedisClient;
use Predis\Pipeline\Pipeline;
* Class RedisRoom
class RedisRoom implements RoomContract
* @var \Predis\Client
protected $redis;
* @var array
protected $config;
* @var string
protected $prefix = 'swoole:';
* RedisRoom constructor.
* @param array $config
public function __construct(array $config)
$this->config = $config;
* @param \Predis\Client|null $redis
* @return RoomContract
public function prepare(RedisClient $redis = null): RoomContract
return $this;
* Set redis client.
* @param \Predis\Client|null $redis
public function setRedis(?RedisClient $redis = null)
if (! $redis) {
$server = Arr::get($this->config, 'server', []);
$options = Arr::get($this->config, 'options', []);
// forbid setting prefix from options
if (Arr::has($options, 'prefix')) {
$options = Arr::except($options, 'prefix');
$redis = new RedisClient($server, $options);
$this->redis = $redis;
* Set key prefix from config.
protected function setPrefix()
if ($prefix = Arr::get($this->config, 'prefix')) {
$this->prefix = $prefix;
* Get redis client.
public function getRedis()
return $this->redis;
* Add multiple socket fds to a room.
* @param int fd
* @param array|string rooms
public function add(int $fd, $rooms)
$rooms = is_array($rooms) ? $rooms : [$rooms];
$this->addValue($fd, $rooms, RoomContract::DESCRIPTORS_KEY);
foreach ($rooms as $room) {
$this->addValue($room, [$fd], RoomContract::ROOMS_KEY);
* Delete multiple socket fds from a room.
* @param int fd
* @param array|string rooms
public function delete(int $fd, $rooms)
$rooms = is_array($rooms) ? $rooms : [$rooms];
$rooms = count($rooms) ? $rooms : $this->getRooms($fd);
$this->removeValue($fd, $rooms, RoomContract::DESCRIPTORS_KEY);
foreach ($rooms as $room) {
$this->removeValue($room, [$fd], RoomContract::ROOMS_KEY);
* Add value to redis.
* @param $key
* @param array $values
* @param string $table
* @return $this
public function addValue($key, array $values, string $table)
$redisKey = $this->getKey($key, $table);
$this->redis->pipeline(function (Pipeline $pipe) use ($redisKey, $values) {
foreach ($values as $value) {
$pipe->sadd($redisKey, $value);
return $this;
* Remove value from reddis.
* @param $key
* @param array $values
* @param string $table
* @return $this
public function removeValue($key, array $values, string $table)
$redisKey = $this->getKey($key, $table);
$this->redis->pipeline(function (Pipeline $pipe) use ($redisKey, $values) {
foreach ($values as $value) {
$pipe->srem($redisKey, $value);
return $this;
* Get all sockets by a room key.
* @param string room
* @return array
public function getClients(string $room)
return $this->getValue($room, RoomContract::ROOMS_KEY) ?? [];
* Get all rooms by a fd.
* @param int fd
* @return array
public function getRooms(int $fd)
return $this->getValue($fd, RoomContract::DESCRIPTORS_KEY) ?? [];
* Check table for rooms and descriptors.
* @param string $table
protected function checkTable(string $table)
if (! in_array($table, [RoomContract::ROOMS_KEY, RoomContract::DESCRIPTORS_KEY])) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid table name: `{$table}`.");
* Get value.
* @param string $key
* @param string $table
* @return array
public function getValue(string $key, string $table)
$result = $this->redis->smembers($this->getKey($key, $table));
// Try to fix occasional non-array returned result
return is_array($result) ? $result : [];
* Get key.
* @param string $key
* @param string $table
* @return string
public function getKey(string $key, string $table)
return "{$this->prefix}{$table}:{$key}";
* Clean all rooms.
protected function cleanRooms(): void
if (count($keys = $this->redis->keys("{$this->prefix}*"))) {
一个是基于 Swoole Table 作为存储媒介的 TableRoom.php
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: sunqiang
* Date: 2019/11/7
* Time: 3:14 PM
namespace App\Services\Websocket\Rooms;
use Swoole\Table;
class TableRoom implements RoomContract
* @var array
protected $config;
* @var Table
protected $rooms;
* @var Table
protected $fds;
* TableRoom constructor.
* @param array $config
public function __construct(array $config)
$this->config = $config;
* Do some init stuffs before workers started.
* @return RoomContract
public function prepare(): RoomContract
return $this;
* Add a socket fd to multiple rooms.
* @param int fd
* @param array|string rooms
public function add(int $fd, $roomNames)
$rooms = $this->getRooms($fd);
$roomNames = is_array($roomNames) ? $roomNames : [$roomNames];
foreach ($roomNames as $room) {
$fds = $this->getClients($room);
if (in_array($fd, $fds)) {
$fds[] = $fd;
$rooms[] = $room;
$this->setClients($room, $fds);
$this->setRooms($fd, $rooms);
* Delete a socket fd from multiple rooms.
* @param int fd
* @param array|string rooms
public function delete(int $fd, $roomNames = [])
$allRooms = $this->getRooms($fd);
$roomNames = is_array($roomNames) ? $roomNames : [$roomNames];
$rooms = count($roomNames) ? $roomNames : $allRooms;
$removeRooms = [];
foreach ($rooms as $room) {
$fds = $this->getClients($room);
if (! in_array($fd, $fds)) {
$this->setClients($room, array_values(array_diff($fds, [$fd])));
$removeRooms[] = $room;
$this->setRooms($fd, array_values(array_diff($allRooms, $removeRooms)));
* Get all sockets by a room key.
* @param string room
* @return array
public function getClients(string $room)
return $this->getValue($room, RoomContract::ROOMS_KEY) ?? [];
* Get all rooms by a fd.
* @param int fd
* @return array
public function getRooms(int $fd)
return $this->getValue($fd, RoomContract::DESCRIPTORS_KEY) ?? [];
* @param string $room
* @param array $fds
* @return TableRoom
protected function setClients(string $room, array $fds): TableRoom
return $this->setValue($room, $fds, RoomContract::ROOMS_KEY);
* @param int $fd
* @param array $rooms
* @return TableRoom
protected function setRooms(int $fd, array $rooms): TableRoom
return $this->setValue($fd, $rooms, RoomContract::DESCRIPTORS_KEY);
* Init rooms table
protected function initRoomsTable(): void
$this->rooms = new Table($this->config['room_rows']);
$this->rooms->column('value', Table::TYPE_STRING, $this->config['room_size']);
* Init descriptors table
protected function initFdsTable()
$this->fds = new Table($this->config['client_rows']);
$this->fds->column('value', Table::TYPE_STRING, $this->config['client_size']);
* Set value to table
* @param $key
* @param array $value
* @param string $table
* @return $this
public function setValue($key, array $value, string $table)
$this->$table->set($key, ['value' => json_encode($value)]);
return $this;
* Get value from table
* @param string $key
* @param string $table
* @return array|mixed
public function getValue(string $key, string $table)
$value = $this->$table->get($key);
return $value ? json_decode($value['value'], true) : [];
* Check table for exists
* @param string $table
protected function checkTable(string $table)
if (! property_exists($this, $table) || ! $this->$table instanceof Table) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid table name: `{$table}`.");
后面我们还会创建一个基于数据库作为存储媒介的 DatabaseRoom
类,这个留到后面具体演示房间功能的时候再实现。此外,我们在 app/Services/WebSocket/Facades
目录下为房间服务创建一个门面代理类 Room.php
namespace App\Services\Websocket\Facades;
use App\Services\Websocket\Rooms\RoomContract;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade;
* @method static $this prepare()
* @method static $this add($fd, $rooms)
* @method static $this delete($fd, $rooms)
* @method static array getClients($room)
* @method static array getRooms($fd)
* @see RoomContract
class Room extends Facade
* Get the registered name of the component.
* @return string
protected static function getFacadeAccessor()
return 'swoole.room';
房间是静态的空间,在房间里聊天的是动态的用户,因此,我们还要编写用户认证相关实现代码,以便唯一区分不同用户以及管理不同房间、不同用户的聊天信息,这里我们仍然参照 swooletw/laravel-swoole 的实现,在 app/Services/WebSocket
目录下创建一个 Authenticatable
Trait 来实现用户认证相关业务逻辑:
namespace App\Services\WebSocket;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Authenticatable as AuthenticatableContract;
use InvalidArgumentException;
* Trait Authenticatable
trait Authenticatable
protected $userId;
* Login using current user.
* @param \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Authenticatable $user
* @return mixed
public function loginUsing(AuthenticatableContract $user)
return $this->loginUsingId($user->getAuthIdentifier());
* Login using current userId.
* @param $userId
* @return mixed
public function loginUsingId($userId)
return $this->join(static::USER_PREFIX . $userId);
* Logout with current sender's fd.
* @return mixed
public function logout()
if (is_null($userId = $this->getUserId())) {
return null;
return $this->leave(static::USER_PREFIX . $userId);
* Set multiple recepients' fds by users.
* @param $users
* @return Authenticatable
public function toUser($users)
$users = is_object($users) ? func_get_args() : $users;
$userIds = array_map(function (AuthenticatableContract $user) {
return $user->getAuthIdentifier();
}, $users);
return $this->toUserId($userIds);
* Set multiple recepients' fds by userIds.
* @param $userIds
* @return Authenticatable
public function toUserId($userIds)
$userIds = is_string($userIds) || is_integer($userIds) ? func_get_args() : $userIds;
foreach ($userIds as $userId) {
$fds = $this->room->getClients(static::USER_PREFIX . $userId);
return $this;
* Get current auth user id by sender's fd.
public function getUserId()
if (! is_null($this->userId)) {
return $this->userId;
$rooms = $this->room->getRooms($this->getSender());
foreach ($rooms as $room) {
if (count($explode = explode(static::USER_PREFIX, $room)) === 2) {
$this->userId = $explode[1];
return $this->userId;
* Check if a user is online by given userId.
* @param $userId
* @return bool
public function isUserIdOnline($userId)
return ! empty($this->room->getClients(static::USER_PREFIX . $userId));
* Check if user object implements AuthenticatableContract.
* @param $user
protected function checkUser($user)
if (! $user instanceOf AuthenticatableContract) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('user object must implement ' . AuthenticatableContract::class);
实现 Websocket 核心类
完成用户认证和房间这两个外围功能后,接下来,正式开始 Websocket
类的实现,还是参考 swooletw/laravel-swoole 的实现,只是对部分实现做了调整来简化并适配 hhxsv5/laravel-s 扩展包:
namespace App\Services\WebSocket;
use App\Services\Websocket\Rooms\RoomContract;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\App;
use Swoole\WebSocket\Server;
class WebSocket
use Authenticatable;
const PUSH_ACTION = 'push';
const EVENT_CONNECT = 'connect';
const USER_PREFIX = 'uid_';
* Websocket Server
* @var Server
protected $server;
* Determine if to broadcast.
* @var boolean
protected $isBroadcast = false;
* Scoket sender's fd.
* @var integer
protected $sender;
* Recepient's fd or room name.
* @var array
protected $to = [];
* Websocket event callbacks.
* @var array
protected $callbacks = [];
* Room adapter.
* @var RoomContract
protected $room;
* DI Container.
* @var \Illuminate\Contracts\Container\Container
protected $container;
* Websocket constructor.
* @param RoomContract $room
public function __construct(RoomContract $room)
$this->room = $room;
* Set broadcast to true.
public function broadcast(): self
$this->isBroadcast = true;
return $this;
* Set multiple recipients fd or room names.
* @param integer, string, array
* @return $this
public function to($values): self
$values = is_string($values) || is_integer($values) ? func_get_args() : $values;
foreach ($values as $value) {
if (! in_array($value, $this->to)) {
$this->to[] = $value;
return $this;
* Join sender to multiple rooms.
* @param string, array $rooms
* @return $this
public function join($rooms): self
$rooms = is_string($rooms) || is_integer($rooms) ? func_get_args() : $rooms;
$this->room->add($this->sender, $rooms);
return $this;
* Make sender leave multiple rooms.
* @param array $rooms
* @return $this
public function leave($rooms = []): self
$rooms = is_string($rooms) || is_integer($rooms) ? func_get_args() : $rooms;
$this->room->delete($this->sender, $rooms);
return $this;
* Emit data and reset some status.
* @param string
* @param mixed
* @return boolean
public function emit(string $event, $data): bool
$fds = $this->getFds();
$assigned = ! empty($this->to);
// if no fds are found, but rooms are assigned
// that means trying to emit to a non-existing room
// skip it directly instead of pushing to a task queue
if (empty($fds) && $assigned) {
return false;
$payload = [
'sender' => $this->sender,
'fds' => $fds,
'broadcast' => $this->isBroadcast,
'assigned' => $assigned,
'event' => $event,
'message' => $data,
$server = app('swoole');
$pusher = Pusher::make($payload, $server);
$parser = app('swoole.parser');
$pusher->push($parser->encode($pusher->getEvent(), $pusher->getMessage()));
return true;
* An alias of `join` function.
* @param string
* @return $this
public function in($room)
return $this;
* Register an event name with a closure binding.
* @param string
* @param callback
* @return $this
public function on(string $event, $callback)
if (! is_string($callback) && ! is_callable($callback)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
'Invalid websocket callback. Must be a string or callable.'
$this->callbacks[$event] = $callback;
return $this;
* Check if this event name exists.
* @param string
* @return boolean
public function eventExists(string $event)
return array_key_exists($event, $this->callbacks);
* Execute callback function by its event name.
* @param string
* @param mixed
* @return mixed
public function call(string $event, $data = null)
if (! $this->eventExists($event)) {
return null;
// inject request param on connect event
$isConnect = $event === static::EVENT_CONNECT;
$dataKey = $isConnect ? 'request' : 'data';
return App::call($this->callbacks[$event], [
'websocket' => $this,
$dataKey => $data,
* Set sender fd.
* @param integer
* @return $this
public function setSender(int $fd)
$this->sender = $fd;
return $this;
* Get current sender fd.
public function getSender()
return $this->sender;
* Get broadcast status value.
public function getIsBroadcast()
return $this->isBroadcast;
* Get push destinations (fd or room name).
public function getTo()
return $this->to;
* Get all fds we're going to push data to.
protected function getFds()
$fds = array_filter($this->to, function ($value) {
return is_integer($value);
$rooms = array_diff($this->to, $fds);
foreach ($rooms as $room) {
$clients = $this->room->getClients($room);
// fallback fd with wrong type back to fds array
if (empty($clients) && is_numeric($room)) {
$fds[] = $room;
} else {
$fds = array_merge($fds, $clients);
return array_values(array_unique($fds));
* Reset some data status.
* @param bool $force
* @return $this
public function reset($force = false)
$this->isBroadcast = false;
$this->to = [];
if ($force) {
$this->sender = null;
$this->userId = null;
return $this;
在 Websocket
中,我们引入了用户认证实现 Authenticatable
Trait 以及房间实例 $room
,该属性是 RoomContract
:用于注册 Websocket 事件路由,注册实现拆分到routes/websocket.php
和房间一样,这里我们也在 app/Services/WebSocket/Facades
namespace App\Services\Websocket\Facades;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade;
* @method static $this broadcast()
* @method static $this to($values)
* @method static $this join($rooms)
* @method static $this leave($rooms)
* @method static boolean emit($event, $data)
* @method static $this in($room)
* @method static $this on($event, $callback)
* @method static boolean eventExists($event)
* @method static mixed call($event, $data)
* @method static boolean close($fd)
* @method static $this setSender($fd)
* @method static int getSender()
* @method static boolean getIsBroadcast()
* @method static array getTo()
* @method static $this reset()
* @method static $this middleware($middleware)
* @method static $this setContainer($container)
* @method static $this setPipeline($pipeline)
* @method static \Illuminate\Contracts\Pipeline\Pipeline getPipeline()
* @method static mixed loginUsing($user)
* @method static $this loginUsingId($userId)
* @method static $this logout()
* @method static $this toUser($users)
* @method static $this toUserId($userIds)
* @method static string getUserId()
* @method static boolean isUserIdOnline($userId)
* @see \App\Services\WebSocket\WebSocket
class Websocket extends Facade
* Get the registered name of the component.
* @return string
protected static function getFacadeAccessor()
return 'swoole.websocket';
至此,我们的 app/Services/WebSocket
这个 Websocket
核心类中涉及到一些绑定到容器的对象解析,以及 Websocket 事件路由注册,接下来我们就来介绍对应的实现代码。
注册 Websocket 事件路由
首先我们在 routes
目录下新建一个 websocket.php
use Swoole\Http\Request;
use App\Services\WebSocket\WebSocket;
use App\Services\Websocket\Facades\Websocket as WebsocketProxy;
| Websocket Routes
| Here is where you can register websocket events for your application.
WebsocketProxy::on('connect', function (WebSocket $websocket, Request $request) {
// 发送欢迎信息
$websocket->emit('connect', '欢迎访问聊天室');
WebsocketProxy::on('disconnect', function (WebSocket $websocket) {
// called while socket on disconnect
WebsocketProxy::on('login', function (WebSocket $websocket, $data) {
if (!empty($data['token']) && ($user = \App\User::where('api_token', $data['token'])->first())) {
// todo 读取未读消息
$websocket->toUser($user)->emit('login', '登录成功');
} else {
$websocket->emit('login', '登录后才能进入聊天室');
之所以叫事件路由,是因为这些路由都是根据客户端传递的事件名称来匹配调用的,这里我们初始化了 connect
和 login
这两个事件路由的闭包实现,这里的 WebsocketProxy
对应的是 Websocket
门面类,所以静态 on
方法调用最终还是落到 Websocket
的 on
对应的是 call
方法中传递过来的 $this
则是经过 Parser
实现类解析的消息数据。因此,在闭包函数中,我们可以调用 Websocket
类的任何方法,最后再通过 emit
再来看容器绑定,包括门面与代理类的绑定、接口与实现类的绑定,以及上述事件路由何时加载,最合适的时机是在 Swoole Worker Start
事件触发的时候,因为对 laravels
扩展包而言,Laravel 容器是在这之前进行初始化的:
public function onWorkerStart(HttpServer $server, $workerId)
parent::onWorkerStart($server, $workerId);
// To implement gracefully reload
// Delay to create Laravel
// Delay to include Laravel's autoload.php
$this->laravel = $this->initLaravel($this->laravelConf, $this->swoole);
// Fire WorkerStart event
$this->fireEvent('WorkerStart', WorkerStartInterface::class, func_get_args());
实现起来也很简单,在应用中监听 Swoole 的 WorkerStart
事件即可(注意不是 Laravel 的事件,所以不能使用 Laravel 事件监听机制来实现),监听该事件注册容器绑定和加载路由的另一个好处是有利于提高应用性能,如果我们是在 onRequest
之类的事件触发时绑定,则每次请求都要注册一遍,就和基于 PHP-FPM 模式的 Laravel 应用没啥区别了,此外,也不能在 onWorkerStart
执行之前绑定,因为这个时候 Laravel 还没有初始化,还没有 Application
好了,废话不多说,我们在 app/Events
目录下创建 WorkerStartEvent.php
* Websocket 相关服务容器绑定和路由加载
* Author:学院君
namespace App\Events;
use App\Services\WebSocket\Parser;
use App\Services\Websocket\Rooms\RoomContract;
use App\Services\WebSocket\WebSocket;
use Hhxsv5\LaravelS\Swoole\Events\WorkerStartInterface;
use Illuminate\Container\Container;
use Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline;
use Swoole\Http\Server;
class WorkerStartEvent implements WorkerStartInterface
public function __construct()
public function handle(Server $server, $workerId)
$isWebsocket = config('laravels.websocket.enable') == true;
if (!$isWebsocket) {
// WorkerStart 事件发生时 Laravel 已经初始化完成,在这里做一些组件绑定到容器的初始化工作最合适
app()->singleton(Parser::class, function () {
$parserClass = config('laravels.websocket.parser');
return new $parserClass;
app()->alias(Parser::class, 'swoole.parser');
app()->singleton(RoomContract::class, function () {
$driver = config('laravels.websocket.drivers.default', 'table');
$driverClass = config('laravels.websocket.drivers.' . $driver);
$driverConfig = config('laravels.websocket.drivers.settings.' . $driver);
$roomInstance = new $driverClass($driverConfig);
if ($roomInstance instanceof RoomContract) {
return $roomInstance;
app()->alias(RoomContract::class, 'swoole.room');
app()->singleton(WebSocket::class, function (Container $app) {
return new WebSocket($app->make(RoomContract::class));
app()->alias(WebSocket::class, 'swoole.websocket');
// 引入 Websocket 路由文件
$routePath = base_path('routes/websocket.php');
require $routePath;
注意,我这里判断了只有在 Websocket 服务器启动的情况下,才做相应的 Websocket 服务容器绑定了和路由加载,包括 Parser
的具体实现绑定和别名设置(可用于门面类的解析),最后,加载 Websocket 事件路由文件让对应的事件路由生效。
最后,不要忘了在 config/laravels.php
的 event_handlers
'event_handlers' => [
'WorkerStart' => \App\Events\WorkerStartEvent::class,
完善 Websocket 配置
在上面的容器绑定实现中,还新增了一些配置项,我们在 config/laravels.php
的 websocket
'websocket' => [
'enable' => true,
'handler' => \App\Services\WebSocket\WebSocketHandler::class,
'middleware' => [
'parser' => \App\Services\WebSocket\SocketIO\SocketIOParser::class,
'drivers' => [
'default' => 'table',
'table' => \App\Services\Websocket\Rooms\TableRoom::class,
'redis' => \App\Services\Websocket\Rooms\RedisRoom::class,
'settings' => [
'table' => [
'room_rows' => 4096,
'room_size' => 2048,
'client_rows' => 8192,
'client_size' => 2048,
'redis' => [
'server' => [
'host' => env('REDIS_HOST', ''),
'password' => env('REDIS_PASSWORD', null),
'port' => env('REDIS_PORT', 6379),
'database' => 0,
'persistent' => true,
'options' => [
'prefix' => 'swoole:',
至此,我们就初步完成后 Websocket 后端的业务逻辑重构,就差最后一步在处理器入口中将它们串联起来了。
重构 WebSocketHandler 处理器
那我们就来补上这一环,重构 App\Services\WebSocket\WebSocketHandler
namespace App\Services\WebSocket;
use App\Services\WebSocket\SocketIO\Packet;
use Hhxsv5\LaravelS\Swoole\WebSocketHandlerInterface;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
use Swoole\Http\Request;
use Swoole\WebSocket\Frame;
use Swoole\WebSocket\Server;
class WebSocketHandler implements WebSocketHandlerInterface
* @var WebSocket
protected $websocket;
* @var Parser
protected $parser;
public function __construct()
$this->websocket = app('swoole.websocket');
$this->parser = app('swoole.parser');
// 连接建立时触发
public function onOpen(Server $server, Request $request)
// 如果未建立连接,先建立连接
if (!request()->input('sid')) {
// 初始化连接信息 socket.io-client
$payload = json_encode([
'sid' => base64_encode(uniqid()),
'upgrades' => [],
'pingInterval' => config('laravels.swoole.heartbeat_idle_time') * 1000,
'pingTimeout' => config('laravels.swoole.heartbeat_check_interval') * 1000,
$initPayload = Packet::OPEN . $payload;
$connectPayload = Packet::MESSAGE . Packet::CONNECT;
$server->push($request->fd, $initPayload);
$server->push($request->fd, $connectPayload);
Log::info('WebSocket 连接建立:' . $request->fd);
if ($this->websocket->eventExists('connect')) {
$this->websocket->call('connect', $request);
// 收到消息时触发
public function onMessage(Server $server, Frame $frame)
// $frame->fd 是客户端 id,$frame->data 是客户端发送的数据
Log::info("从 {$frame->fd} 接收到的数据: {$frame->data}");
if ($this->parser->execute($server, $frame)) {
$payload = $this->parser->decode($frame);
['event' => $event, 'data' => $data] = $payload;
if ($this->websocket->eventExists($event)) {
$this->websocket->call($event, $data);
} else {
// 兜底处理,一般不会执行到这里
// 连接关闭时触发
public function onClose(Server $server, $fd, $reactorId)
Log::info('WebSocket 连接关闭:' . $fd);
if ($this->websocket->eventExists('disconnect')) {
$this->websocket->call('disconnect', '连接关闭');
之前冗杂的代码都已经拆分到 Websocket
类的事件路由、事件调用以及消息发送实现代码中,整个处理器实现变得更加精简,更加优雅了,在这里,我们将通过 Parser
实现类从客户端数据解析出事件名称和消息内容,然后调用 Websocket
实例的 eventExists
方法判断对应事件路由是否存在,如果存在,则通过 call
到这里,我们的 Swoole Websocket 服务端代码就算重构完成了,后面可能还会有细节优化,不过主体结构已经完成,而且扩展性非常好,尤其是事件路由这一块的处理,使得基于 Swoole 的 Laravel 应用真正得以与 Laravel 思想融为一体,这一点要感谢 swooletw/laravel-swoole 提供的设计思路。
Websocket 客户端与服务端的用户认证
如果是基于 Session 进行认证的话,可以完全沿用 swooletw/laravel-swoole 自带的中间件和用户认证实现,不过我们这个项目是前后端分离的,我这里简单在 login
事件路由中通过从请求数据中获取 token
WebsocketProxy::on('login', function (WebSocket $websocket, $data) {
if (!empty($data['token']) && ($user = \App\User::where('api_token', $data['token'])->first())) {
// todo 读取未读消息
$websocket->toUser($user)->emit('login', '登录成功');
} else {
$websocket->emit('login', '登录后才能进入聊天室');
const userId = store.state.userInfo.userid;
const token = store.state.userInfo.token;
if (userId) {
socket.emit('login', {
name: userId,
token: token
重新启动 Swoole Websocket 服务器使重构代码生效:
bin/laravels reload
然后再刷新聊天室首页,通过 F12->Network->WS
就可以看到新的 Websocket 通信数据了:
本项目代码已经提交到 Github 仓库:https://github.com/nonfu/webchat,你可以从这里获取最新代码。
怎么关联呢。比如只给房间 1 里边的人广播。谢谢。后面会讲的
看了 tw 的文档了,里边有介绍。这种搞法蛮好的。
是的 我就是把它的实现整合到 LaravelS 扩展包中来了,LaravelS 对这块的支持不好
Websocket 中的中间件函数被你去掉了
如果使用了 auth 中间件,就可以不用调请求 login 了。这样不更好么。
嗯 这一块我后面给优化下 当然不能全盘照搬 它这个middleware 又依赖 pipeline 而两个扩展包的HTTP请求处理这一块的底层实现是不一样的 不需要自己再去实现 pipeline 那一套东西
嗯 是的。也去掉了 pipeline