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Laragon 3.0 Released - Zero Operation with Postgres, MongoDB, Node.js, Java, Python - Now WAMP, MEAN, Django/Flask, Spring/SpringBoot with ease

leokhoa ADMINISTRATORS May 20, 2017, 11:24 PM | 66271 points
I'm so excited to announce the release of Laragon 3.0 (2017-05-20)

This release has some breaking changes: How to upgrade Laragon safely

All services are now 64-bit by default
MySQL data dir will be located on data\mysql instead of data as you may need Postgres and MongoDB
Add Procfile idea, it helps you to automate and control your own processes easily. Ref What is Procfile?
...and a lot of improvements to turn Laragon into a universal dev environment.
Previous version of Laragon can hot-swap (1-Click) between PHP versions, MariaDB/MySQL versions, Apache versions, Nginx versions. With Laragon 3.0, you also can:

Hot swap between Node.js versions

Hot swap between Postgres versions

Hot swap between MongoDB versions

Hot swap between Python versions

Hot swap between Java versions (make Java portable on Laragon)

Auto create data dir: No more worries when your data is corrupted or version mismatch. Just rename correspond folder in your data path (data\mysql, data\mongodb, data\postgresql) to another name and Laragon will create a new clean one for you.

Auto detect and ensure the number of php_cgi processes (Upstream) are running for Nginx (

Support adding custom add tools to Laragon following Procfile format (

Updated Node.js to 7.10.0

Added MongoDB 3.4

Added RoboMongo: Menu > MongodB > Robomongo

Added Postgres 9.6

Added PgAdmin3 from BigSQL which can work with Postgres 9.6

Added Python 2.7

Added Python 3.6

Added JDK 8 (u131)

Added Maven 3.5


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